UNESCO Member States come together to determine the Organization’s activities .

Thursday, October 29, 2015

The General Conference, the governing body of UNESCO, which brings together all of the Organization’s 195 Member States, will meet in Paris from 3 to 18 November to determine the direction of the Organization’s programmes and activities for the next two years and rule on questions of funding and governance.

Paris, 29 October—The General Conference, the governing body of UNESCO, which brings together all of the Organization’s 195 Member States, will meet in Paris from 3 to 18 November to determine the direction of the Organization’s programmes and activities for the next two years and rule on questions of funding and governance.

The forthcoming session will also mark the 70th anniversary of the Organization, which will host a Leader’s Forum on 16 and 17 November with the participation of an unprecedented number of Heads of State and Government.

The Crown Prince of Norway, Prince Haakon will address the opening session of the General Conference at 12.15 noon on 3 November and Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai, Minister of Finance of the United Arab Emirates, will address the plenary at 5.30 pm.

On 4 November, some 70 government ministers will review UNESCO’s education framework for action in light of the recently adopted 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (Room II 10 am to 6 pm).

Ahead of the General Conference, on the occasion of International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, celebrated on 2 November, the Director-General of UNESCO will launch the report on World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development.

During the forthcoming session of the General Conference, UNESCO’s 195 Member States will vote on the application by Kosovo* to become a Member of the Organization, as recommended by UNESCO’s Executive Board. (check theschedule of the General Conference for the exact date).

UNESCO Member States will also consider granting Associate Member status to the Caribbean island of Montserrat.

Some General Conference side-events:

- 4 November, Iran’s Minister of Research, Science and Technology, Mohammad Farhadi, will attend the award ceremony of the UNESCO Avicenne Prize for Ethics in Science.

- 5 November, award ceremony of the UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development will take place on 5 or 6 November (check website for time).

- 5. November, Press event ahead of launch of UNESCO’s Science Report (2:30pm, in the Press Room, Miro Space).

- 6 November, an event on countering extremism through education with Deputy United States Secretary of State Tony Blinken (1 to 3 pm).

- 10 November, official launch of the 2015 UNESCO Science Report, (3 pm).

Journalists wishing to attend the General Conference should register online:



*Within the framework of UN Security Council Resolution 1244, dated 1999